CPU Programs

Post Views: 22 INSTRUCTIONS This is a program list, you have to follow this way which is below. You can include both programs and assignment in one file, so no need to make separate file for each. Each program should be starts with new page. For the programs you have to use single side page …

Practical List

Post Views: 23 Practical List – 1 Write a program to print your address. Write a program to perform average of five variables. Write a program to print area of circle. Write a program to convert years into minutes. Write a program to perform all the arithmetic operations together in a single program.

Important Questions

Post Views: 88 INSTRUCTION All questions are important for the final examination. This assignment includes theoretical questions, algorithm, flow chart, find a output.   Important questions Distinguish between the following pairs: main() and void main(void) int main() and void main() Give difference between compile and interpreter. Draw block diagram computer system and explain it. Give …