- This is a program list, you have to follow this way which is below.
- You can include both programs and assignment in one file, so no need to make separate file for each.
- Each program should be starts with new page.
- For the programs you have to use single side page but assignment you can use both side lining page.
- Your writing should be neat and clean.
Sr. No. | Title | Date | Sign. |
1. | Introduction of C programs | ||
2. | Programs with using if….else | ||
3. | Programs with using switch case | ||
4. | Programs with using while loop | ||
5. | Programs with using for loop | ||
6. | Programs with using arrays | ||
7. | Programs with using string | ||
8. | Programs with using pointers | ||
9. | Programs with using functions | ||
10. | Programs with using structures and union | ||
11. | Programs with using file management | ||
12. | Assignment |
Practical set 1:-
- Write a program for printing your name and address.
- Write a program for addition, division, multiplication and subtraction of two numbers.
- Write a program to find sum and average of five numbers.
- Write a program to convert years into minute.
- What will be the output of following program segment?
i) int i=4, j=3, k; float a,b; k=i/j*j; a=i/j*j; b=j/i*i; printf(“%d %d %f”,k,a,b); | ii) int b, a=5; a++; b= a++; b++; b=++a; printf(“%d %d”,a,b); |
- Find out errors, if any in following code statements.
int a,b=0;
float x;
int float;
double p,q;
- Write a program to print given decimal number into hexadecimal and octal number.
- Write a program to convert the distance in feet and inches.
Practical set 2:-
- Write a program to find whether a number is even or odd.
- Write a program to swap two variables.
- Write a program to swap two variables without using third variable.
- Write a program to convert a given number of days into month and days.
- Write a program to convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
- Write a program to find whether a number is positive or negative.
- Perform arithmetic operation according to given choice. (1= addition, 2= subtraction, 3= division, 4= multiplication, 5= modulo)
- Write a program to print sum of first n integer numbers using go to statement.
Practical set 3:-
- Write a program to enter the character and to find that the character is an alphabet or digit or any special symbol.
- Write a program to convert uppercase to lowercase and lowercase to uppercase.
- Write a program to find that given year is leap year or not.
- Write a program to find grade from a given marks.
- Write a program to find a larger value from three variables.
- Write a program to get a character from user and find that is it vowel or not.
- What will be the output of following?
i) if(x>0 && x<10) printf(“single digit no.”); else if(x>10 && x<100) printf(“double digit no.”); else printf(“more then two digit no.”); | ii) if(choice= =1) printf(“addition \n”); else if(choice= =2) printf(“subtraction \n”); else if(choice= =3) printf(“multiplication \n”); else if(choice= =4) printf(“division \n”); else printf(“wrong choice”); |
Practical set 4:-
- Write a program to find a reverse number of given number.
- Write a program to find the sum of given number.
- Write a program to find the sum of even number from a given number.
- Write a program to find a factorial for a given number.
- Write a program to check that number is Armstrong or not.
- Write a program to check that given number is prime or not.
- Write a program to find a Fibonacci series.
Practical set 5:-
- Write a program using for loop.
i) * ** *** **** ***** | ii) 1 12 123 1234 12345 |
iii) 1 22 333 4444 55555 | iv) 1 01 101 0101 10101 |
v) 12345 1234 123 12 1 | vi) 1 121 12321 1234321 123454321 |
vii) 1 21 321 4321 54321 | viii) a b c d e a b c d a b c a b a |
- What will be the output of following code?
i) for(i=0;i<10;i++) { if(i%2= =0) j=i*i; printf(“i=%d j=%d \n”,i,j); } |
Practical set 6:-
- Write a program to find average of five no. with arrays.
- Write a program to accept 5 no. in array and find maximum and minimum value of it.
- Write a program to accept 5 no. in array and find total no. of positive & negative no.
- Write a program to accept 5 no. in array and print in ascending order.
- Write a program to accept 10 no. in array and find the sum of all no.
- Write a program to find of odd and even numbers from given n numbers.
Practical set 7:-
- Write a program to find a length of a string.
- Write a program to that takes a string and reverse it and display both original and reverse string.
- Write a program to count how many times a particular character occurs in a given string. g. character ‘p’ occurs 2 times in string “apple”.
- Write a program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not. Palindrome strings are string which spells the same after reversal also. Following string are palindrome: madam, Malayalam, abba.
- Write a program that read two string and compare them using the function strcmp() and print the message that first string is equal, less, greater than second one.
Practical set 8:-
- Write a program to print address of a variable using pointer.
- Write a program that demonstrates the size of pointer.
- Write a program to find length of string using pointer.
- Write a program to print array elements in reverse using pointer.
Practical set 9:-
- Write a program to find a length of a string with using function.
- Write a program to reverse a given string with user defined function.
- Write a program to sum given two integer numbers using function.
- Write a program to find largest of three numbers using function.
- Write a program to check leap year using function.
- Write a program to exchange the value of two variables using function.
Practical set 10:-
- Write a program to create a structure of student’s roll no and name and display the records.
- Write a program to demonstrate initialization of structure members.
- Write a program to calculate average marks of N students for 3 different subjects using structures.
- Write a program to create a structure for car racing game and display start time, car number, game end time using nested structure.